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How to create a capsule wardrobe

Many of us may get the feeling of not having enough or not the perfect clothes as soon as we open our closet. The ironie is - our closets are often full of stuff and we even lost the overview. So having more is not better. Building up a capsule wardrobe is part of the movement to live a more minimalistic and sustainable lifestyle.

A capsule wardrobe is build on just a few essential clothing items that you can mix and match with one another to create different outfits. This will save you time and money and is a statement againt fast fashion. Because this will lead you into a more thoughtful process of buying.


Follow these tips to build up your own capsule wardrobe


 1. Clean out your closet

Start building up your capsule wardrobe by taking inventory of what you currently have and make staples of what you want to keep and what you want to donate. Just keep the items that you wear often and you can combine with many other pieces. Give all the other items for charity or to your friends.


2. Think about what kind of style you want to wear

Clothes can be a way to express ourselfes and can boost our self esteem if we feel well and comfortable in our outfit. To find your style and favorite colours you can create a moodboard and keep the clothes that already fit into your concept.


3. Make a list what you actually need

Think about what kind of clothes you actually need. Depending on your own style you may never wear skirts, so no need to buy them again and again without ever wearing them. Build up a wardrope with clothing items that fit to your personal needs and style and not to the expectations of the society.


4. Go for sustainable and high quality pieces

Before you shop for a new item think what you actually need and try to avoid impulse buys. If you for example need a new scarf - search for a high quality and sustainable option. Take your time to do the research and just buy it if you feel 100% happy with your new item and would like to wear it for years and years to come. Buy by your own style and not by trends.

Take good care of your clothes. Have a look on the care instructions and use eco friendly detergent. So your clothes last you as long as possible by keeping the high quality.


5. Clothes for Special Occasions

Sometimes we need clothes for special occasions that we just wear once or twice a year. Maybe you can change clothes with your friends or go on online rental sites to find the perfect piece for your special occasion.


6. Remember: This is a journey

Building a minimalsit wardrobe is redifining the way we think about shopping. When we start it can be challenging to stop typical behaviors.


Building a conscious, minimalist wardrobe is a journey like anything in life. It is full of learning curves and adjustments.


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